
Eventually, Mark decided to put his money where his mouth was and started making leather belts. He likely got tired of the “rest” of us telling him if he could do it better, he should. So he did. He read, he studied, he talked to successful leather makers, he even haunted the internet — for years. The end result? He learned how to make leather belts. He even bought machines to help. Those old, mysterious cast iron devices capable of doing what needed doing.

Once he retired, Mark Moss opened his own custom leather company using the witty name of Moss Custom Leather. While he specializes in leather belts and sheaths, he’s also expanding his line to other goodies. He’s now making a limited run of holsters for a few of the more common guns generally carried by one might say, “serious” professionals. Including you.

Mark makes gear he would carry himself, and his standards are bordering on the obsessive. I’ve seen him remake gear from the beginning because his maker’s stamp was not placed properly when he marked a finished product — tossing expensive leather on the trash heap in the process. When it comes to the holsters he makes, he makes only a few — and even then only for a few models and styles.