Vanquest Fast Totally
Integrated Maximizer
I ran into the Vanquest team ages ago. While it seems like it was back when station wagons roamed the earth, I think it was in 2013 at a Gunsite Academy event. At the time, the company was a fledgling but it was immediately apparent they were serious about gear. Since that time, my daily carry for office-y stuff has been a Vanquest pack or briefcase.
One of the handiest items is what I’d call an accessory pack. The Fast Maximizer operates either standalone (has a handle) or inside or outside a larger pack as an internal organizer. It has three or four internal “pockets,” but the real genius is the large number of elastic strap loops on top of loops system. It’s perfect for just about any small stuff — tools, computer and camera knick-knacks and cords, medical supplies and so on. I’ve even used it as a shaving kit.
Oh, note the orange interior of almost everything they make — it helps you quickly see stuff.