
The Keith No. 5 grip frame set uses the standard SAA triggerguard and modified Bisley backstrap (as did the original gun) and has an integral mainspring bracket, which simplifies 1-piece grip installations. The Bisley-based backstrap, however, isn’t compatible with such grip sets since the upper grip frame screws are covered with the grips installed. One neat feature is a provision for an adjustable hammer overtravel stop. This small screw at the rear of the hammer well allows any residual cocking pressure after the action is cocked to be born on the hammer rather than on the hand and cylinder stop which, in turn, extends lockwork service life on hard-used competition guns.

Machine work is first-rate but will require a good bit of polishing to achieve a workman-like installation. On installations in our shop, we machine the bottom strap a bit thinner in order to shorten the bottom strap screw counter-bore depth so we can dome-up screw heads. In addition to an informative set of instructions, Grand Masters supplies a special Allen wrench necessary to install the upper backstrap screws.