Don Hume Front
Pocket Holster Review


You can, and many prefer, to “drop a J-frame in a pocket” when heading out for a quick trip to the corner for gas or bread or whatever. And that’s the beauty of the gun: it is lightweight but powerful and as familiar as the back of your hand. With regular practice, you can get to the point where you reach your hand into your pocket and your fingers instinctively find their way around the gun. Familiarity can breed contempt, of course, and in dropping a J-frame in your pocket you might also drop something else in your pocket, potentially complicating retrieval in an emergency. Better to drop that J-frame in your pocket with it in a pocket holster. One good choice: a Don Hume pocket holster. Two good reasons: better grip and protected trigger.

Better Grip

Don Hume’s 001 Front Pocket #3 Holster — fitting a wide range of J-frame sized guns such as the S&W 36, 37, 60, 317, Airlite, 650, .38 Chief’s Special, Charter Arms Pathfinder, Undercover, S&W Bodyguard .38, 49, 442-1, Airweight, 638-2, 640, 642-1 Lady Smith, 649, 940, and Taurus 85 — does a stand up job of keeping a J-frame, well, standing up. With a gun properly holstered and the holster properly pocketed, you can put your hand into your pocket as if you’re, well, just putting your hand into your pocket and end up with your hand gripping your J-frame, ready to draw. In other words, the holster puts the stocks of your gun right there, albeit nonchalantly.

After some break-in time, the Saddle Brown holster not only holds the gun just right but also lets it go at just the right time. If you inadvertently start pulling the holster out with the gun, the holster’s leather hook will catch on in the interior of your pants pocket and keep the holster in while the gun comes out.

Protected Trigger

The other benefit of using an actual holster in a pocket is that the trigger remains protected. Stories abound of keys, pens, and other objects that found their way into the same pocket as the J-frame and got in the way of the gun or worse, caught in the trigger itself. Using a pocket holster isn’t a good reason to go ahead fill your pockets with stuff — it’s better to have nothing else in your pocket but your holstered gun — but at least the trigger will be guarded.

The Don Hume holster you see here retails for $40 and can be used in left or right side trouser or jacket pockets.

How do you carry your pocket gun?

For more info on the Don Hume holster visit:

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