This Is Goodbye

Gun Rights

Be honest about it. Arguments about guns are basically on our side. Guns are good. Guns save lives. Guns protect you … and our nation. Guns are why America is still free. Your guns are constitutionally guaranteed — for good reason. It’s my message and our nation’s. It’s our fabric. After decades at this and with 75-year-old tremoring fingers, my age is telling me, “Step aside, let others carry the ammunition.”

Like it or not, guns are out of the genie’s bottle. There is no way to put them back in. I’ve concluded that people wishing guns would “just go away” are detached from reality. If bad guys and nation-states remain armed, we must, too. This is what America’s Founders understood and immortalized. It may be ugly, but it’s real.

The enemies of our guns are enemies of freedom — and you and me. We generally call them tyrants, truly ignorant and hoplophobic. People who hate guns have no decent arguments, so they’ve basically invented mythologies to vilify you, your guns and the righteous power they represent. Rummage through this publication’s archives at — I’ve dissected and cataloged scores of concocted myths.

The Good Guys

To further irrational hatred of guns, and you defenders of liberty, they’ve inaccurately equated guns with crime and amplified every criminal act by armed villains. They do this to assault decent people who keep and bear arms. I’ve been pointing this out for decades now, and it falls on deaf ears, though not yours.

We get it. We remain heavily armed against opposition to our RKBA. Using subterfuge, deceit and massive propaganda, freedom haters attack us in direct and subtle ways. It is exhausting, but we press on in defense of all that is good.

I’ve described why the Founders wisely ensconced arms (not just guns) in our Constitution. And how so-called “news” media have turned against it, and us. I’ve written books and articles about the laws and the lies over the years. How firearms have improved in safety, accuracy, reliability and total goodness. The stats — if you look at them fairly — are on our side. Criminals dispatched, crimes prevented, feeling safe and secure, teaching our young, the Olympics, competitive sport, and hunting for food. Ranges are always busy. We are the good guys, the guys in the white hats. We got the memo; half the nation hasn’t.

I may be convinced to do another story or two. Something special may happen that motivates me to do more, but it’s time to pursue other interests as my eyesight, typing, memory, strength and endurance inexorably fade with age. I resist and fight it. I don’t like it, but I can’t deny it. You, my readers and fans, are aging too. I’ve other fish to fry — like science, which has gone way off the rails. Science can’t be wrong, right?

Armed & Law-Abiding?

We’re not in times like the 1990s, a Golden Age when we were ascendant. We got concealed-carry laws and scores of similarly righteous laws enacted, to the displeasure of the anti-rights crowd. The Red Threat — communism — was a recognized existential threat. Now, it’s praised by some leaders.

Carry a Concealed Weapon, CCW, a phrase I’ve always disliked, has a foothold. By rights, it should be Discreet Carry, the standard in polite society. Criminals conceal things. Decent people are discreet. We enacted CCW laws, benefiting society everywhere. Among the left’s worst myths has always been the Blood-In-The-Streets (BITS) myth: if we carry guns (ending government’s infringements), we will shoot each other indiscriminately. BITS is BS.

That’s merely psychological projection by hoblophobes because if they had guns, without the impulse control we enjoy, they would lash out and shoot their neighbors and themselves. The fear we will shoot our neighbors is basically an impossibility. There are 100 million of us, and we don’t shoot our neighbors now. We take great care in bearing arms. Criminals shoot their neighbors or strangers. When that happens, the media portrays it as decent people going crazy with arms. This virulent myth ignores that crime and illegal gunfire, when graphed on maps, show relatively few neighborhoods where most of it occurs.
Congratulations to experts at The Chicago Tribune, Dr. John Lott and others, who did the work and showed how intensely localized crime is — gunfire happens in the bad parts of town.

That blockbuster story has since been forgotten and suppressed — but it remains true. Police know where the problem areas are. The media rarely mentions it in so many words (or hides behind bogus “profiling” lies). They just mindlessly vilify your guns. Even candidates for office speak irrationally about guns on the streets, a total fabrication, as if this is our big threat. It’s the Big Lie. Guns are in people’s homes, closets, safes, and drawers — away from prying eyes. The only guns “on the streets” are with armed, unimprisoned criminals, “strapped,” proud of being dangerous and going armed. The rest of us are tastefully armed and discreetly holstered and ready.

I’ll keep watching the show play out. You get us to the goal. Thank you for the memories and support.

Award-winning author, writer, consultant and musician Alan Korwin, now 75, has written 14 books, ten of them on gun law, and has advocated for gun rights for more than three decades. Now writing his 15th book, Science Can’t Be Worng, Right? See his work or reach him at

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