Full Sizes For XL People Only?
Have you ever heard some “wise” apothegm? Then nodded your head thinking, “Sounds legit.” Here’s one. “I’m not big enough to carry a full-sized gun.” I take this one as a personal challenge because it’s simply not true. Sure, it may be true a full-size gun is larger and heavier, but you can certainly conceal it if you have the desire. Will it be as easy? Maybe not. As convenient? Probably not.
Whatever you do, don’t offer up the “I’m too small to carry a full-size pistol” to Gunsite Instructor Il Ling. She can be described as “petite” at five-foot nuthin’ but she carries a 1911 chambered in .45 ACP.
I much prefer to carry compact (really mid-size) and preferably full-size guns. On any given day, you’ll catch me with a SIG P320 XCompact with an optic, a full-size P320, a 1911, a S&W M&P full size or maybe a Beretta PX4 Compact Carry. I like big guns and I cannot lie.
Here’s how I’ve solved the concealment problem: A Clinger Holsters No Print Wonder. This nifty IWB invention solves the biggest concealment hurdle — the grip — with a clever hinged belt mounting system. The shell is Kydex and the rear belt clip extends toward your back via a rigid Kydex wing. The front clip attaches to a flexible leather or rubber extension that links the belt attachment to the holster shell. The result is predictable when you think about it. Once the front clip is fastened to your belt, attaching the rear draws the whole holster alongside your body. The grip, of even a full-sized gun, is drawn in tight to your body so it doesn’t protrude to the side or out the back.
Yes, with desire and motivation, you can carry a 1911 or other fluffy guns under a T-shirt. Check it out at clingerholsters.com.
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