What Ifs?


Most American Handgunner readers have given thought to the type and model handgun they’ve chosen for self-protection. Handguns and ammo have been carefully considered, as well as an appropriate holster. Hopefully each of us has taken the time to practice shooting, becoming familiar and proficient with our handguns in the process. Some readers my even be fortunate enough to have attended one of the top shooting schools, or attended a class by a skilled shooting instructor.

All these things go a long way to insure your success if ever faced with a life-threatening encounter. Police officers are trained to use their sidearms with skill, and most will tell you that when they left the academy they were in top form with their handguns. Most importantly, they will be required to measure up on the range with regularly scheduled qualifications. Depending on where you live, range time can be difficult for many. While these issues are of great importance, the most critical factor is the issue of awareness, “having a plan” when the manure hits the fan.

Most savvy self-defense specialists agree that a wise person will visualize what his or her actions should be if faced with a life-threatening scenario. Take the time to consider when and where you will most likely be faced with a threat. Once you have decided on these facts, think through the options and the best plan of action you can take to insure your safety.

Fumbling In The Dark

If you keep a handgun in your home for self-protection, consider how you may most likely be attacked. Will your problems come after dark? Is your home secure and easy to defend? Are you best served to call 911 and wait for the police, or do you plan your own defense?

Whatever your choice, always plan and train for the “worst-case scenario.” Plan, rehearse and train for the worst that can happen. What if the phone lines are cut or put out of action? Is your cell phone charged and handy? Do you keep your weapon available and quick to put into action? Is there a good flashlight stored where you keep your self-protection firearm? If not, plan to make these things happen.

Can you get to your secure firearm and put it into action (loaded and ready to fire) in less than 5 seconds? If it takes you more than 10 seconds, you may be facing a serious problem.

The "If Only I Had" Club

Have you practiced searching and clearing your home or place of business? If not, I guarantee you’ll screw-up when the flag goes up. All professionals rehearse their fighting plans. SWAT teams rehearse over and over again to get their execution right. Criminals and terrorists plan alike, rehearsing and then observing their targets before attacking.

If you’ve never played “What If” games concerning your best plan of action if threatened or attacked, you are behind the eight ball. The next time you pull into the parking garage and prepare to leave your car, ask yourself what you would do if someone tried to attack or rob you as you returned. Look for positions of cover or escape, best fields of fire, and — most importantly — positions that allow you to view all angles of approach or attack.

Believe me, if you haven’t given this even the slightest degree of thought, you sure as hell won’t be able to do it when you find yourself in a fight for your life. Forget what the action heroes do in the movies; when the action starts most mortals find it very difficult to use even the smallest part of their conscious mind to make decisions, discriminate targets and watch their flanks.

Note that one of the most dangerous conditions existing in a gunfight is the trend to fixate on the target. You see the threat as your only issue and quickly tunnel vision sets in. You may be behind cover, feeling safe, keeping well aware of your threat, and this target fixation will be so intense you will not see anything else going on around you. You must keep checking your flanks and rear. Far too many good men have failed because they did not see the bad guy coming from another direction.

If you think you can come up with a good plan when the bullets are buzzing around your head, you’re on Crack. Plan, rehearse and train for the disaster scenario. Many people survive attacks because their attackers were less trained and skilled than they were. Don’t count on this to be the case because Lady Luck will desert you in a flash. Plan ahead, rehearse if possible, and train with your sidearm. But a handgun is just one part of the equation. Stay Safe.

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