Gunnysack: American Gunsmithing Institute Courses
I wanna be a gunsmith. No, not professionally; I have plenty to do here, and my work will be on my guns for my use. But how? I work full-time and have a plateful of extracurricular activities in my life.
Enter American Gunsmithing Institute.
Offering three-plus-boatloads of DVD courses (more than I can easily count), the company has packaged knowledge on everything from armorer’s programs to trigger jobs and all in between.
I’ve had a hankering to customize my own basic 1911 pistol, so I’m starting with Colt 1911-Style Auto Pistols Technical Manual and Armorer’s Course. This 21/2-hour program gives me the basics of mechanical operation and debugging. Real guns with visibility cutouts are used to show how parts work together. With that foundation, I’m next diving into Building The Ultimate 1911, Volume 1. No need to wish me luck; the programs are inspiring me with plenty of confidence.