Keep Those Cannons Clean
Spritz, Goop & Grease For Your Roscoes
Boeshield T-9 (from Brownells) is an extremely effective rust preventative and lubricant that’s just catching on with firearm fans. It was developed by global giant Boeing Corporation’s enormous research assets. Their “other products” include multi-million dollar commercial airliners, y’ know. Ogre Enviroclean FA is an excellent, virtually odor-free biodegradable bore cleaning solvent and lubricant. It was developed by one guy, John “Ogre” Thompson, pretty much workin’ out of his kitchen sink. His other product is “Here, Fishy, Fishy,” an all-natural fish attractant.
Hoppe’s has been a respected name in firearm cleaning since rocks were soft — well, over a century anyway — but ain’t no moss growin’ on the logo, not with cutting-edge formulations like Hoppe’s Elite winning new fans.
Gabriel Appiah has been a research chemist in the defense industry for over 30 years, but his environmentally-friendly eBASE cleaners, lubes and protectants are so new his website won’t be running until just before you read this. The point is, we’ve got great gun-goop comin’ from all directions, folks, and you owe it to yourselves and your sidearms to check ’em out. Here are a few you know, and I’ll bet, some you didn’t!
You won’t find SLiP2000 products in every gun shop or sporting goods store, but maybe you should. These high-tech synthetic cleaners, degreasers and lubes were intended for friction-prone, high rate-of-fire weapon systems like the M249 SAW Squad Automatic Weapon, so I think they’ll handle your rapid-fire revolvers and staccato semi-autos just fine. They’re coming on strong with shooters from all disciplines, and worth your attention.
Non-toxic, all-synthetic Mil-Comm cleaners, lubes and greases are used exclusively on many military weapons systems, and SIG SAUER uses `em in every stage of manufacturing right down to the final prep-and-package point. Mil-Comm’s TW25B Extreme Performance cleaners and lubes were recently named as the NRA’s first officially licensed Gun Care System, so now you can contribute to the Second Amendment cause every time you clean your gun!
How’s this for handy, huh? Hoppe’s famed bore solvent, cleaning-lubricating-protecting oil, a reusable wipe, and a triple-function BoreSnake in one compact package! This setup goes in your range bag or backpack, and now it’s going into cargo pockets: Partnered with “America 4R Marines,” Hoppe’s is sending over 5,000 of these kits to lucky leathernecks in Afghanistan.
Birchwood Casey is another fine old name in gun gear dating back to 1948, and they’ve done a lot better than just “keeping up with the times.” Their 1-2-3 Aerosol Value Pack of three, ten-ounce cans, is a fine example: First, attack fouling with Bore Scrubber. Then, flush it out with Gun Scrubber and finally, protect it from rust and corrosion with Barricade — fast, effective and easy!
Here’s a prediction for you: Gabe Appiah’s Gabriel Products lineup of environmentally-friendly and very efficient cleaners, lubricants and degreasers are spanky-new, but they’re based on a lifetime of chemical research and commitment to quality, and they’re gonna be winners. Non-toxic and biodegradable, neither his synthetic or green eBASE products contain Teflon, graphite or other solids to potentially foul your guns, and the eBASE products are made from all-renewable — no fossil — substances. Even better, I think you’ll like the prices too!