Keymate USB Light
If you want to give your favorite gal the key to your heart, start with giving her this key first to get her attention. When the team at Streamlight showed it to me at SHOT show, it was yet another one of the reasons my forehead is sorta’ flat. I smacked it and said, “Damn, why didn’t I think of that!” The new strip LED technology is amazing and “Those who think things up” keep thinking of cool things to do with them. This is honestly key-sized, with a cool little clip thing so you can snap it to your key ring, but unclip it if you need to. You could also clip it to a thousand other places, like your coat zipper or your kid’s sweater at night. It’s water resistant and it doesn’t hurt to turn it on and leave it on if you need to.
The USB cable means you charge it with a phone charger or on your computer, and the lithium battery stays charged for months and months. I stowed mine for about four months then turned it on and it ran the full charge time. You get about one hour at high (35 lumens — lights up a room, you could read with it) and about two hours on low (about 16 lumens — think: walking in the dark or an ambient light). There’s also an emergency flash mode, which I think is a waste of a mode. I’d rather add a 5-lumen ultra-low mode. It’ll likely give you three or four hours of emergency light you could stumble around with if you really needed to. I was once at a hotel and they lost power. For five hours I was sorta’ stuck in the room, but I had two Streamlight Stylus pen lights and I had plenty of light. Wish I’d had this one then!
We’re talking less than $20 here so when you go buy one, get four or five since I promise you’ll want a couple extra to give away. When I use it — allows easy reading of menus in dark restaurants — people always say, “Hey, what’s that thing?!” They want it immediately. Also, the back face of it is plain and makes a great place to engrave company logos or names and stuff. Mine is always on my key chain these days. For more info:, Ph: (800) 523-7488