And Another Thing
I’ve showcased how suspenders changed my concealed carry life, and they’re especially handy if you suffer from the dreaded “Noassatall” syndrome as you get older. I don’t know where it goes, but it goes. I prefer Duluth side clips, while Perry makes some having a sort of hook going under your belt to hold things up. Suspenders make carrying a gun much more comfy (even pocket carry), they look stylish and unique — in a country gentleman way — and round out the cane and straw plantation hat agreeably.
A good cane and a good set of suspenders can do wonders toward making your day much more pleasant. You’ll probably get the reputation of being “interesting” too. People will begin to use words like “charming” and “roguish” when speaking of you in company as they nod their head toward you — likely standing on tippy-toes, trying to make you out behind the circle of admiring women who have you cornered. For more info: Duluth: (866) 300-9719; Cold Steel: (866) 599-5085;
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