Tumble, Toil & Trouble
Both jacketed and lead-free hollowpoints depend on hydraulic pressure to initiate upset. “Pliable” is as good as liquid. After all, softpoints open as the lead core mashes against the jacket. But a nose cavity filled with dry material won’t upset reliably. This is partly why some hollowpoint pistol bullets (Hornady FTX’s, for example) cradle soft polymer pegs. These inserts are common in rifle bullets to trigger upset — not, as commonly thought, to hike ballistic coefficient. Streamlining a bullet tip affects exterior ballistics less than the polymer’s “wedge” function affects terminal ballistics.
Once, in an effort to compare penetration and retained bullet weights of three handgun cartridges, I fired JHP’s from each into a railroad tie. To my astonishment, the bullets drove through, leaving tiny exit holes. On impact, wood had filled the nose cavities. Essentially solid bullets as they continued on, they’d also brooked heavy pressure from wood fibers pressing on the leading exterior surface of the ogive.
Trials using wall board, clothing and windshield glass in front of gelatin blocks help the FBI and other LE agencies sift bullets. When hollowpoints don’t open predictably, they don’t pass muster.
Recently Jeff Hoffman at Black Hills Ammunition conferred with Dave Fricke of Lehigh Defense to develop a pistol bullet that would drive deep but also destroy tissue away from its path. BHA’s HoneyBadger resulted. “We call this all-copper bullet a ballistic broadhead,” says Jeff, “There’s no energy used for expansion. The bullet drives straight on without mushrooming; but in gelatin the fluted nose delivers bigger temporary cavities than we get from jacketed hollow points!”
From .380 to .44 Mag., these machined bullets are lightweight for the bore, and fast. The 100-gr. .38 Spl. HoneyBadger clocks 1,275 fps, a 135 for the .45 ACP 1,325! Jeff, Dave and the Black Hills crew have tweaked loads to get desired penetration. “One of our first 9mm loads gave us more than would have been useful for self-defense. We pulled all stops on the .44 Mag., though. It’s a hunting round. For tough game, you want all the penetration you can get.” BHA stokes its 160-gr. .44 Mag. HoneyBadger ammo to 1,800 fps. “That’s from a 6″ revolver barrel,” Jeff points out. “We get 2,250 from a 20″ Winchester 94 carbine!”