There are many other differences. It’s not striker-fired. There is a pivoting internal hammer and one result of this is a superb trigger pull. The manual lists it at 4 lbs. On my test pistol, it averaged 3.8. It has a small take-up and a crisp let-off. Over-travel is minimal.
The manual safety has levers on both sides, so it’s left-hander friendly. Inside, it disconnects the trigger bar and blocks the sear. It’s an excellent safety system, but for carrying I’ll go with a full 16-round magazine and an empty chamber. This personal quirk comes from many, many years as a gunsmith and a mistrust of all mechanical devices.
There are a couple of wise omissions from the P17 design. It does not have a goofy flipper in the trigger. The trigger face is smooth and nicely rounded. I’ve found trigger “feel” affects accuracy. I removed one of those things from a GLOCK and filled the space with smooth polymer. My groups shrank from 4" to 2".
Another thing not used in the P17 was a magazine-out safety. As I often say, if you are so careless you don’t check the chamber when unloading, then you shouldn’t be handling a pistol. And in an emergency with no magazine, you still have a working single-shot with the P17.