Consumer Models Mostly
FN, SIG SAUER, Beretta and others with hardcore tactical models rarely extend beyond some flavor of FDE, but consumer-oriented handguns are often offered in enough colors to match Joseph’s robe. I know at least one consumer/collector who has bought guns he wouldn’t otherwise have bought because they weren’t just another black gun. That would be me!
I bought a black Winchester 1300 shotgun from a neighbor who was moving to South America. It just sat in the safe until something on the wall of my local gun shop gave me an idea. The something on the wall was a group of AR15 pistols with custom Duracoat finishes. Brandon Allred has enhanced the value of his small shop by offering AR rifles and pistols with those custom finishes and they have not only helped his sales, but it allows him a better margin on the ones he sells. He took my black shotgun into his shop and a couple of days later I had a camouflaged beauty. Well, maybe not a beauty, but it does deserve a space on the wall rack rather than the back corner of a safe.
Previously in my family a man only had a gun or two, and when he passed on, they went to the oldest boy of the family. I’ve been fortunate enough to build a pretty nice collection I hope will be passed on to generations of kids, grandkids and great-grandkids including family members of both sexes.
I just hope the womenfolk can agree amicably on how to divide up the pretty guns.
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