Ready ... After

Low-ready is used after the immediate danger is over. The threat is down or gone. You assume a low-ready in order to scan for additional threats. You created the opportunity to move in behind cover and start looking for an exit. Again, the arms, hands and weapon are positioned so you can actually see the environment. All of these will require you to hold at a different angle. And always remember, just because the immediate danger is past, it doesn’t mean the fight is over. You stay ready. Plus, your body language is telling anyone watching that you’re still both mentally and physically plugged in.

The traditional low-ready technique, with slight variation as necessary, is good for almost anything you may come across. What you don’t need is two dozen ready positions. “Hick’s Law” tells us the more options we have to choose from, the longer it takes — exponentially — to decide what to do, and finally act. Most personal, defensive situations are only going to last a matter of seconds. Simple works best, and usually more efficiently.

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