Rob Rowen Customs
A few issues back (Handgunner, September/October 2020, “Grail Guns”), I wrote about my “Grail” gun, a Freedom Arms Model 83 in .44 Mag. I wanted something aesthetically pleasing but more importantly, a grip purpose-built for my hand. Enter Rob Rowen of Rowen Custom Grips. The Virginia-based grip maker always had a passion for firearms with a special interest in fine walnut and beautiful wood. He started dabbling with rifle stocks back when he was only 17, using a folding card table as a workbench.
Somewhere around 2004, Rob started shooting S&W revolvers and wanted to make his own grips, so he did. A couple of years later he discovered a “real” grip maker lived a short distance away, so he made an appointment to meet Roy Fishpaw. Roy was very generous with his time and remarkable talent, offering ideas and suggestions to Rob. Over a decade they became great friends as Roy continued to challenge Rob. During this time Roy also introduced horn as a unique, elegantly appealing grip option.
In 2013, Rob left a successful sales career and went into full-time grip making. In 2019, Rob earned professional membership in the American Custom Gunmakers Guild.
Knowing a bit about Rob’s background, and through recommendations of discriminating shooters who cherish fine revolvers, I felt confident he’d deliver a set of grips perfectly suited for the Freedom Arms.