Vedder Holster Wedge


Every time someone shares they’re struggling with appendix carry, I immediately ask if they’ve tried a “wedge.” The idea is you stick a piece of foam on the back of the holster, down low, so it presses against your body and forces the grip back toward your body. If you’ve got any extra baggage around the waist, it makes all the difference in concealment and comfort.

There haven’t been too many wedges on the market until recently, and now Vedder offers a fine one for just $14.99. The Vedder Holster wedge uses a closed-cell foam interior to repel moisture (sweat) and is covered by a jersey fabric. This is the first wedge I’ve seen covered like this. Great idea!

It’s shaped to fit most any holster and measures 3.1″ x 2.6″ x 0.5″. Just stick the included hook and loop sheet to the holster and stick the wedge on. Easy peasy.

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