56 Years Young

Dispelling the Fears of Reloading

They say you can’t teach an old dog new tricks. Fortunately for us old hounds, reloading is far from a new trick. The first Lee Loader for shotshells was invented in 1958, followed by pistol and rifle loaders in the early ’60s. In fact, I still have the one I purchased when I was just 15—and that was over 45 years ago!

I recently received this nice email from a reader and thought it worth sharing. If you’ve been hesitant to start reloading, hopefully this will encourage you to prove the old adage wrong!

From Reader

Just a quick note to mention how much I enjoy American Handgunner and the videos you put out from time to time. I came across one video that dispelled my fears of reloading.

For years, I read and was told about all the things that can go wrong when reloading and how careful you have to be that I was scared out of even trying. But then I came across a video of you using the Lee Loader and you showed how easy it was and how “not” scary it can be. I purchased one from Midway USA and started reloading for my Ruger Blackhawk — what a thrill! I have tightened my groups and there is a real sense of satisfaction in making your own ammo, testing it and tweaking it.

It took me 56 years to get up the nerve to reload and I have you to thank for it!

I hope you keep up the great work you do in Handgunner. Don’t stop making those informational videos!

—Scott D. (via email)

[Editor’s note: Watch more informational, how-to and new product videos here.]

From Roy


What a great note to get! I appreciate you taking the time to write and share that you’re reloading. It’s been a number of years since I made that video and I’d like to make another using a simple single stage press. Now that you’re addicted, that’s your next reloading adventure!

From one old reloader to another, please feel free to drop me a note anytime if you have any questions I might be able to help with.

—Roy Huntington, Editor

Do you reload?

Send us your reloading-related question and it may appear here or in an issue of American Handgunner!

Email: [email protected]