The Hard Work
After introductory training you must commit to practicing. That’s when the real learning occurs. Very little about using firearms for self-defense is instinctual. Most common instincts are counterproductive to using firearms successfully. It takes the repetition of practice to get to a point where you can apply these skills on demand. Shooting a stationary target on the range is one thing — fighting in the dark against a violent, aggressive attacker on the move is another. Training is more than just guns, it’s also about knowing how to use a tourniquet, understanding the legal aspects of lethal force and much, much more.
Every morning before I leave the house I say, “Today may be the day I face danger.” This prepares me for the possibility of being attacked. If it happens, I won’t be surprised, putting me ahead of the curve to solve the problem. The first thing out of most victims’ mouths when they tell their story to the cops is, “I couldn’t believe it was happening to me.”
Personal protection is an individual responsibility. In the coming months we’ll discuss how to manage that powerful responsibility.