In 10 long chapters called “Titles,” H.R. 5717 sets out a licensing scheme that totally infringes on firearms in America. It makes the Second Amendment null and void so it cannot legitimately be a floor bill. I know, I know, these things require amending the Constitution. Just watch them. Like I said in the opening, they don’t care. The only thing stopping them is your vote — they lack power. With power, No Lives Matter, you’re disarmed, and the Constitution is illegally gutted. Who do you point your gun at?
Training, not described, will be required to get a mandatory license, including taking a class, passing a written test, completing a shooting test, demonstrating knowledge of firearms laws, and knowing the government’s concept of safe use, under undisclosed conditions, times and places. Instructor qualifications and duration — to keep the guns you already own, or get any new ones, will follow. Absolutely nothing prevents these usurpers from creating impossible classes, conditions and repetitive fees.
Procedures for obtaining this license to own your own firearms will be established by the U.S. Attorney General, appointed by the President, including explaining why a given person is found ineligible. Expect some “rights” groups to argue over the details, instead of suggesting revolt against abrogation of the Constitution, which this bill is. There is no legitimate authority to even suggest such a bill. They don’t care.
black lives won’t matter – and neither will your guns
The U.S. Constitution won’t matter if the opposition party ignores it and their troops go along to get along. Which, fully woke, they’ll be doing. This post you’re reading may face its demise, along with every gun you currently own, if the very old decrepit white male of privilege takes the reins of power. He has said so — in writing — to Congress, and you. You don’t know this, because the so-called “news” media, a now unethical totally controlled open ally of left-wing socialist, has kept it a secret. But it’s on the web. You have only to look for H.R. 5717.
But that’s nothing. Here, read this for yourself, word for word. It’s the very first line of the bill his team proposes to enact as soon as they have the votes on November 4, and are in office on January 20, 2021. I don’t want to scare you but, well, yes I do:
“It shall be unlawful for any individual who is not licensed under this section to knowingly purchase, acquire, or possess a firearm or ammunition.”
This applies (“possess”) to every gun you own, and any other gun you get (“acquire”). What is a license under this section? Let me explain it to you.
Issuing a license can be denied if, among other grounds, “factors suggest that the individual could potentially create a risk to public safety.” Owning guns of course has risks, that’s the whole point, since guns can be dangerous. Empowering bureaucrats to determine “pre-crime scores” for citizens is Orwellian, which must be excised and never tolerated. Arguing with any terms of this bill is futile. The infringement is de facto total, specific conditions moot.
If a state meets the new standards on its own in the federal government’s judgment, it will be exempt. Officials will be exempt (of course). All proper authorities can access the records of people who are accepted into the license database. The bill says so.
An annual federal background check of everyone in the database shall be conducted to ensure compliance. The terms of the repeated annual check will be spelled out later. Is it a safe bet taxes called fees will apply to renewals?
You’ll need a federal firearm license at the time of purchase, rental or lease of a firearm, or purchase of ammunition, during the entire period of ownership or possession of a firearm or ammunition. You won’t be able to legally buy, rent or lease more than 10 firearms in any year.
Federal authorities plan to commandeer local law enforcement officers to administer the licenses. This was banned under the Brady bill fiasco, but here it is again. There is no other way to implement this massive scheme, so they expect local police to do it for them. How that comports with defunding the police is a mystery. No one ever said these people are rational.
There is an undefined “sound mind and character” requirement for gun involvement too, and “any other requirements the State determines relevant,” to “make a determination of suitability” so the chances of actually gaining access to firearms may be quite remote. Standards will be set later, with no time frame provided.
National red flag laws, an apparent sneak attack on carry (under the must-be-locked-up-and-inoperable section), and no private transfers. I’m only up to Title 2. Then there are the gun bans in Title 5. If you don’t vote these people out of power, it’s on you.
Alan Korwin’s website features plain-English books on state and federal gun laws for the public, and more common sense like you just read. He invites you to write to him or see his work, at, where you can get books and DVDs that help keep you safe.