In A Blink

Reflections On Another Holiday Season Come And Gone ...

This column is dedicated to my cousin, Brian, who complains my stories have too many words and not enough pictures as we ease into 2024. So, Brian, this one’s for you. It’s a photo expose of sorts featuring my favorite time of year, starting with Thanksgiving and ending with New Year’s Day.

The Beginning …

I was fortunate growing up that my mom came from a big family, having six kids, including herself. As it happens, they grew older, got married and had kids of their own. Then those kids grew older, got married and had kids …

My Grandmother always had Thanksgiving and Christmas parties. The Christmas party was always the first Saturday after Christmas. At its peak, over 60 family members showed up for it. It was my favorite Christmas party by far. A large turkey was baked, along with a ham, and 30 pounds of potatoes were peeled, boiled, and mashed, along with the best stuffing and gravy you have ever tasted. Then, there were all the side dishes and desserts. Grandma started baking Christmas cookies the Friday after Thanksgiving. The deer season opener was always the following Monday.

One of my grandma’s Christmas parties from the early 1990s

I’d come up to hunt and then meet up with my uncles and cousins at the butcher shop, which was an old outbuilding at another cousin’s farm. Here we’d meet, warm up by the homemade wood stove my cousin Brian made from two 55-gallon barrels, the same who says I write too many words. At the ‘butcher shop’, stories were told, and fresh fried backstraps were eaten along with any other potluck dishes people brought.

The original heat source for the ‘butcher shop’ where stories were told,
deer were skinned and butchered and souls warmed for life.

The old “butcher shop” held a host of memories, stories, lies and other shenanigans. It’s no wonder it eventually burned to the ground from the stories told in it. A new shop was built shortly after the old one burned down.

The “butcher shop” wasn’t fancy by any means
but it was perfect in its own special way.


Since college, our highlight is always Samantha coming home. Now in veterinarian school, she’s halfway through her third year and will be having her white coat ceremony this April. Next year will be all residency at the animal clinic at school. Camille and I couldn’t be prouder of her. She came with her boyfriend of two years, Aaron, who we also adore.

Friday, we cut down our Christmas tree, and Camille started decorating it. As I said, we love the Holidays! It’s never too early to start decorating.

Friday after Thanksgiving means getting the Christmas tree.
Here’s myself, Samantha, Aaron and Camille.

I was able to get away for a few quick hunts. One in West Virginia and one back on the family farm in Pennsylvania. Spending time with family on both hunts makes it more enjoyable. I saw some nice bucks while experiencing some nice adrenalin dumps. This is why we do it.

Aaron and Samantha at dinner.

A nice December morning letting the dogs out after their breakfast and my coffee.

Cooper, Samantha and Camille making a gingerbread train.

As I’ve said, Christmas is magical…

Week of Celebration

Once again, Samantha came home, making the house seem like a home again. Christmas week is always magical and full of celebration. After Christmas came my birthday on the 26th, then Camille and I’s anniversary on the 29th. She’s managed to put up with me for 34 years. We had Alaskan King Crab legs for Christmas dinner, went to Filomena’s, an Italian restaurant in Washington, D.C., for my birthday, and had Mexican on our anniversary to round out our year-end culinary adventure.

Samantha working on Camille’s running boards she got for Christmas.
The torch was passed, as I was delegated flashlight holder, nut, bolt and tool passer

Meatballs and Ravioli with Sunday sauce at Filomena
Ristaurante in Washington, D.C.

Camille and Samantha at my birthday dinner.


The thing making these memories worthwhile is family. Family makes everything better, especially their support during times of need. This past year had its low moments. I’d lost several good friends, as well as a favorite uncle, but having family was a great way of balancing out the good with the bad. I am truly a blessed man!

I hope everyone has a happy and prosperous new year. That wasn’t too long, was it, Brian?

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