The World’s Greatest Athlete On Sportsmanship


Isn’t it amazing how the human brain works? Certain events trigger memories, leading to a chain of events we haven’t thought about in decades. The stories I’m about to share happened over five decades ago, proving time not only flies but does so with the speed of jet-like propulsion.

This year’s Olympics was the catalyst for this series of tales, which led to thoughts of when my older brother started junior high school. Back then, jr. high consisted of grades 7-9. Being an athletic family, we always played various sports. So, naturally, we talked about older kids at his school displaying athletic superpower prowess.

Jr. High Gym

Our gym teacher was a stocky middle-aged Italian and former gymnast named Mr. Bolgiano (or as everyone called him, Mr. B) with huge biceps, chest and calves. Each class started with a ½-mile run, followed by doing a belly grinder on a pull-up bar. We then did the maximum number of chin-ups, followed by monkey bars and parallel bars, where we maxed on dips and walked the bars using our arms. Only then did we start our sport routine of touch football, basketball, gymnastics, wrestling or track and field, depending on the time of year. It was a great program and one I look fondly back on.

Anyway, my brother tells me about this kid who holds the record for the ½-mile run, as well as pull-ups, dips and any other athletic endeavor required by Mr. B to pass gym class. In 1973, Disney released a movie called “The World’s Greatest Athlete,” and this kid, who we’ll call Timmy, was naturally referred to as the main character in the movie, a young Jan-Michael Vincent.

Timmy excelled in every sport he participated in. Playing football, he was a running back and was known for scoring touchdowns practically every time he touched the ball. He was simply more athletically mature than most kids his age. During the Olympics at that time, Timmy watched the high divers, mimicking their dives to perfection on the neighborhood pool diving board.

Time stood still as everyone watched his twisting, turning body in mid-air and then applauded as he entered the water, nary a splash! He was truly our own World’s Greatest Athlete!

Years Roll By …

Timmy went on to high school, where he focused on track and field. The pole vault was his chosen event — perfect for the athletic, daredevil abilities he possessed. I lost track of his exploits as I finished out Jr. and Sr. high, graduated college and finally became a cop.

All these memories were tucked away in that vault part of our brain reserved for useless knowledge, scratching to be released at a moment’s notice should an opportunity arise.

Lo and behold, the opportunity finally happened. I was working a police detail and started chatting with a friend I knew from the jr. high days, Bobby. Whenever meeting up, I would question him about mutual friends from times past. It was a great way of catching up and keeping track of the people we went to jr. high with, as we were split in half for high school depending on which side of the line we lived on. Bobby went to the other high school as me, so I’d always ask about people we both knew.

Timmy was one of the ones who went to the other school, too. Somehow, his name came up, and Bobby told me a wonderful story about him. As I said, Timmy concentrated on the pole vault in high school and did very well in both indoor and outdoor track with it. I believe he was the state champion in his junior year.

Sound Advice

Here’s the kicker of the story, as relayed by Bobby, that impressed the hell out of me. It was Timmy’s senior year, and he was at the state track meet. The competition was whittled down between Timmy and another competitor. The competitor missed the current height two times and had one last chance to attempt it.

Timmy recognized what his foe was doing wrong and coached him on what to do. It all clicked, and his competitor made the jump. After several more jumps, he ended up winning the state title. All Timmy could say was, “I knew what he was doing wrong. I wouldn’t have felt right not telling him.” Timmy then sincerely congratulated him for winning the title.

This tale exhibits Timmy was not only “our” world’s greatest athlete, but he was the world’s greatest sportsman, too. The “World’s Greatest Athlete” is available for rent on Amazon Prime. If you want to have a blast from the past, have a few laughs and remember the “good old days” check it out. Your kids and grandkids will enjoy it, too!

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