Brothers In Arms
Rossi and Taurus, both South American companies with strong U.S. ties, work together on a variety of products. Sometimes it’s hard to know who made what. Another of my favorite long guns, the Circuit Judge, is distributed by Rossi, but made by Taurus. It’s an ingenious morph of the Taurus .45/.410 Judge revolver into a long gun’s body. Call it a shotgun, call it a .45 rifle, or call it both. I love mine and so does my wife. It’s her favorite by-the-backdoor gun for two- or four-legged varmints.
While I’m on the subject of Taurus, it’s time to mention the Millennium Pro semi-auto pistol. This handy little gun holds 12+1 rounds of 9mm or 10+1 rounds of .40 in a form factor about the size of the S&W Shield or Springfield XDs. It holds almost twice as many rounds and the dimensions are so close you can hardly tell the difference. The gun weighs in at 22 oz. and is frequently available for around $225. I’ve recommended these as carry guns to a lot of happy customers and have yet to hear a complaint. All Rossi and Taurus firearms come with a lifetime warranty.
While we are on the subject of Taurus, the company bought Heritage, the Florida company known for its single-action revolvers in .22, .22/.22Mag combo, .357 and .45 Colt. The .22s are available from time to time at under $150, and I can attest to the fact they stand up well. I’ve used one for years and have never had the slightest problem. This is a great plinking pistol and a great way to introduce youngsters to shooting sports.