
Switching to Ruger single actions the results were all over the map. Using six examples with 45/8" barrels and ranging from a very early 1956 production version up to a 50th Anniversary Commemorative saw muzzle velocities range from a low of 1,187 to a high of 1,273 fps, or 86 fps difference in muzzle velocity from the same barrel length.

Switching to an early 61/2" Flat-top Blackhawk gave a muzzle velocity of 1,270 fps that was only 5 fps faster than the 50th Anniversary model with nearly 2" less barrel length. An Old Model with a 71/2" barrel registered only 5 fps faster than an Old Model with a 45/8" barrel. This is less than 2 fps for each inch of barrel!

Finally we come to the long-barrel versions. Two of the Rugers with 10" barrels registered 1,251 fps and 1,309 fps and both were overshadowed by a 1,396 reading for the 83/4" barreled Ruger. The fastest velocity registered came from a 101/2" barrel .357 with a Super Blackhawk grip frame at 1,404 fps.