One Big Adventure

We learned to amuse (abuse?) ourselves daily with bouts of risk and danger, making for grand adventure. Even our toys were dangerous!

Remember Lawn Darts? Consisting of sharpened metal spikes the size of ballpoint pens, with big plastic vanes — the design ensured they always landed point first. Tossing them underhanded, you attempted to make them land inside plastic circles.

Eventually, the underhand toss led to seeing how high you could launch these rockets into the sky. If you were good, you’d lose sight of the dart (again, not the brightest idea) and then scramble so you wouldn’t get impaled on top of your head. But, we survived.

Arts and crafts were just as risky. Wood burning kits were popular. You’d get some cheap pressed board with a picture stamped on it. Your mission was to use your plug-in branding iron, err…wood burner, and attach one of about 10 different torturous tips, to decoratively burn your portrait.

I constantly burned my fingers changing the tips when they dropped from the tool. I was also always just a bit panicky as I watched them burning through the couch fabric. It was a great pre-cursor for bullet casting. though. My fingertips are void of feeling now, so handling hot things is easy.

Fess Parker ruined my Indian inspirations by portraying both Daniel Boone and Davy Crocket on TV. Coonskin caps were cool, plus he carried “Betsy”, his never-missing muzzleloader. With only two channels, shows were both limited and in black and white.